Thursday, April 3, 2014

Future Teacher

I have ALWAYS wanted to be a teacher. Literally, always.

This semester I am in 3 education classes. One of the best things about elementary education, is the classes are based on projects, discussions and participating in activities.

 I am currently in a Kindergarten class and one of the requirements is spending 15 hours in a Kindergarten classroom. Mostly I observe, interact with the kids and work with small groups on reading. Sounds hard, right? ;) I also have to prepare 2 lessons, one math and one reading, to teach to the class. Wednesday, I taught my first lesson. We did “Who Stole the Cookies” math. We learned a little chant about stealing cookies from a cookie jar before starting the lesson. The kids LOVED it. They all wanted to be the one who stole the cookies from the cookie jar. Then we used the cookie theme to do a subtraction lesson.

First I did a large group example with the kids---Ms. Bergenhagen has 6 cookies and Ms. Conrad took 2 cookies. If Ms. Conrad took 2 cookies how many cookies are left?--- We then counted out 7 cookies and put them into our cookie jar. Then we took 2 cookies out of our cookie jar and counted how many cookies we had left. 
Cookie Subtraction Fun!
I found these worksheets on pinterest. I bought cookie crisp cereal and sorted them into little baggies, 10 each. 

My kindergarten class is full of projects, play time and lots of arts and crafts. Here is a little look into the life of elementary education majors! Enjoy :) 

Playing in the "mud"

The final product!
New clinical outfit! I love being able to buy professional clothes to wear in the classroom---makes me feel so grown up. These pants are from gap, they are so comfy! The sweater was a bargain deal at Target. 

Monday, March 31, 2014


I’M BACK. These last two months have been great and SUPER BUSY. Literally my life summed up in one word is BUSY.  

February/March highlights:
·         Justin Timberlake concert + visit from Bailey
·         Birthday celebrations with friends
·         SPRING BREAK + birthday celebrations with the fam
·         Choir tour
·         Long weekend home
·         Kindergarten Clinical
·         Outdoor runs


The countdown to Rwanda has begun!! For those of you who don’t know, I am going to Rwanda for 5 weeks right after school gets out. I have had weekly meetings with the professor and 5 other girls who are going. I COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED. All I want is to go to Rwanda right now! But I have class and work and I should probably think about packing….

Anyway, I have tried setting many goals over the past two months and I always seem to fail miserably. So I have decided to take a break from trying to set and meet goals and instead just worry about doing my best to be healthy. I have ONE MONTH (is that real?) left of school so I need to stay focused and do my best. I also need to get ready for my trip and I still want to have fun with my friends.

I have tried to go back to counting calories, hoping that would help me get back on track and lose some weight but I think that just made things worse. This next month I want to focus on choosing healthy food options, training for my race over Easter break and incorporating more strength workouts into my routine. I am also trying to drink more water! 
Feeling awesome after my 7 mile run!
Just a few outfits from my clinicals...feeling so grown up!
LOVE this jacket.

New shirt dress from Gap.

White jacket-wishfully thinking it was spring.
Hopefully, I will post again soon! :)

Saturday, February 1, 2014


So this semester I am taking a kickboxing class which is really fun but it also really kicking my butt!! My legs ACHE during and after that class. But I know that I am getting stronger after every class! I also have been running on the days I don't have kickboxing. I try to run 3 or 4 times a week. So far it has not been an easy start but I know I need to push myself and I always feel so good after my run is over! Bailey and I have signed up for a 15k, a what??, I know right? who has heard of a 15k?? It is 9.3 miles. I really wanted to do a half marathon but they didn't have any that worked for me because in May I am going to Rwanda!! I found this race because I wanted to do a bigger race and it seems really fun so I asked my best friend and we signed up!! Now I have to train for it so I can actually run the whole thing...yikes!
Before Kickboxing! Ready to WORK.

We also decided we want to do a half together. Bailey has already signed up for one this March but she wants to another one this summer. We decided to do the women's rock half marathon at the end of August! I am really excited to be signed up for these races but I am also scared out of my mind! haha Can I really run that long?!? The thing with running is that it is ALL mental, which sucks for me because I can talk myself out of things easily. I suck at pushing myself! Which also really sucks because it makes training really hard. I don't have a running buddy now that Bailey left so I have to try and push myself! So far I have not been so great at this, but I am signed up for these races so I better suck it up and get running!
One of my favorite things to eat!! Homemade granola, blueberries
 and almond milk. Literally, so darn good!!

I am glad that I have some time before my races so I can build up my mileage. My goal is to run 6-7 miles by the end of February. I know I can do it, I just have to convince my brain that I can!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Blessed by Bailey

Friendship is one of the most sacred things in life. I have been truly blessed to be able to experience true friendship; the kind where you can be completely yourself and not feel judged. I am so blessed to be able to say I have a best friend and truly mean it. No matter how far away we may be, I know she is always there for me and I can talk to her about anything. I know that distance may make it harder, but it doesn't mean our friendship will change or end. I think many people never experience true friendship, so I feel incredibly blessed to say that I have.
Bailey & I
This girl is such a blessing. She is kind, generous, comforting, beautiful, funny and overall an amazing person. After living together for a semester, we both had to adjust to living 4 hours apart. We talk most days whether it is a quick snap or a longer facetime session. She can always brighten my day and she goes out of her way to send me mail, which always puts a smile on my face. I mean, my first day of classes started out with a letter from my best friend wishing me a great first day! 
First day of classes letter! 
She also surprised me with a package filled with candy and a group of letters that I am supposed to open when...I am sad, lonely, not motivated, etc. I was so surprised to get this in the mail, especially from Bailey because she isn't known for being super crafty...haha. I LOVED IT THOUGH. I haven't opened any of the letters yet but I am so excited for when I get to! I know whatever she wrote will brighten my day and make me feel like she is not far away at all!
A letter & package on the same day! 

The open when... letters! Can't wait to read them all!
I have been counting down the days until I get to see Bailey again (which was supposed to be a month after classes started) but I decided to go home this coming weekend so I get to see her earlier than I thought! I am super excited to see her and hang out even for just a few hours!! So glad I have such an amazing best friend :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Weekend Fun

I cannot believe I have only been back at school for a week and a half! It seems like so much longer! I am not going to lie, the start to my second semester was a little rough. I was adjusting to a new schedule and a room to myself. It was a challenge at first but I have learned how to stay organized with my busy schedule. The past few days have been so much fun! On Thursday classes were cancelled, PTL!! Concordia never has a snow day, so it was a perfect little surprise! I had plans to hang out with one of my good friends that evening so we decided to get together earlier in the day since we had nothing else going on! We played cribbage, listened to music, chatted and baked monster bars! YUMMMM. It was such a great way to spend my day. It can be a challenge to initiate hanging out with people when I am so used to spending all my time with one person but it is good for me to step outside my comfort zone a little bit and connect with some of my other friends! 
MONSTER BARS! So delicious! 

The next day, I had plans to hang out with another friend, Hannah. We decided to have a girls night which was very eventful and just what I needed to get out of the regular homework routine. We went to panera for dinner and then hit up the mall and target where we found some pretty great deals! We both ended up making a few purchases! Then we headed back to the dorms for some homemade blizzards and a movie. In case you don't know me, I go to bed fairly early but Hannah had me up past 1 AM. I was setting records last night! 
My homemade blizzard! vanilla ice cream, oreos, PB2 powder and reeses! 

Francesca's gold chain bracelet: $7

Francesca's statement necklace: $10

V-neck sweaters from Gap: $7.50 each

Striped long sleeve from Gap: $8

I am not going to lie, I was slightly mad at myself for eating dessert two nights in a row, but I had to remind myself that IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. I am usually pretty healthy and I know I will not be eating dessert very often so it is okay to give in every once in a while. I also worked out both days that I ate dessert so I can't get too mad at myself. 

QUICK GOAL UPDATE: I have been running every week but need to push myself a little more. I am trying to eat healthy and workout daily and so far I have been doing a pretty good job! I am hoping to continue my healthy lifestyle and stay focused on the results I want to see! I hope to start seeing changes and start feeling healthier and more confident! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Let’s be honest…this whole blogging this has definitely gotten away from me for the past 3 months….whoops! But for now I am back. I always snap pictures and come up with ideas, but I seem to have a problem actually sitting down and writing a blog post. So with the New Year, my goal is to blog once a week. I want to keep up with my blog but I don’t want to feel pressured to put up a post everyday or even every other day. So let’s start!

here are a few pictures from winter break :)

Frosty Folic 5K! 

MAJOR UPDATE: I am back at school after having a wonderful 3 weeks off from school! But I am back without my roommate and best friend L It has been a weird adjustment  living by myself after living with my best friend but each day I get slightly more used to it. I do seem to get more accomplished without her here…maybe because when we are together all we want to do is talk and go on adventures! Haha My classes this semester are going to be challenging, but they seem very interesting so hopefully the work load won’t seem too bad.

 My biggest goal for the New Year is to focus on my school work and to be healthy! Last semester my healthy habits ran away from me and it is a slow process finding them again. I made a motivation board over break to help remind me and motivate me to go after my goals and to work hard. I want to feel stronger, prettier, healthier, and all around better about myself. I don’t always make the best decisions but I am trying and I am definitely doing better than last semester!!  I want to be healthy but I also don’t want to get down on myself when I miss a workout or eat one bad thing. Life goes on and I have to learn to deal with my choices and make better ones next time.
My new motivation board-the idea came from pinterest of course! 

Over break I got a lot of new clothes so my first few days back at school I have tried to be a fashionista! Hopefully my outfits reflect my good stlye ;) 

My favorite new sweater from Eddie Bauer :)

Kenneth Cole winter jacket. LOVE IT.

First day outfit! New accessories from Christmas

Outfit inspired by my best friend :)
Already can't wait for the next blog post! Hopefully I will be able to keep up with all of my goals and New Year's Resolutions! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My love for fall

With the weather getting cooler it is beginning to feel like Fall….and I absolutely LOVE IT. Fall is my favorite season for soooo many reasons. First of all, the weather. I love the cold. I love the trees and all of the pretty colors. I also love the outfits that you can wear in the fall; boots, sweatshirts, leggings, sweaters, really the list could go on and on. I love the Holidays that occur in the Fall. I love that you can curl up in a blanket and watch a movie without being too hot. I love sipping hot coffee or cider. I LOVE PUMPKIN. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bars, pumpkin chais, pumpkin muffins, honestly I pretty much love any product that has pumpkin in it. Since I only get to have pumpkin one time of the year, I take advantage of it! I am already looking forward to going home and getting a pumpkin muffin from dunn brothers and making yummy pumpkin baked goods with my family. I have already been to several different coffee shops to fulfill my craving for a pumpkin flavored coffee. YUMMY! Just thinking about it makes me want to go get one right now!

 Just looking at this list makes me so excited for Fall. BEST SEASON EVER.